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Sajmo1 1:23 Thu Jul 2
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - Official Match Thread
Also, we didn’t look defeated when we went 1 nil down for the first time all season with Rice as captain. Makes you think

Sajmo1 12:23 Thu Jul 2
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - Official Match Thread
Imagine marking Haller, Antonio, Rice, Soucek, Ogbonna and Diop at corners. Mental.

Full Claret Jacket 11:50 Thu Jul 2
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - Official Match Thread
I find it hard to criticise anyone in last nights match. They all put in a shift. Whether it was Lanzini, Fornals, Cresswell, Wilshire they were all committed and got the job done. No half-hearted strolling around. Many of these players have had long periods out and look out of sorts but as long as they are putting in the effort and pulling for each other then we have a chance of winning games.

Ogbonna is my HOTY. His presence at the back made a difference yesterday. I think he has been solid all season.

El Scorchio 11:50 Thu Jul 2
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - Official Match Thread
Ogbonna is a funny one though. He'll look majestic at times, but then others play like a bit of a clown or do something really stupid, so the criticism or praise is at time equally valid.

He's playing great at the moment, and it's been said Moyes really rates him (so maybe it's a confidence thing) but he's had some very shaky spells in the past and been rightly criticised.

When he's good, he's very good, but I think we need him to consistantly play like he did yesterday. In fact it's the problem with most of our defenders. You literally don't know what to expect most times when they step onto the pitch

cholo 11:48 Thu Jul 2
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - Official Match Thread
Lanzini could've hit the heights but the injury has done for him in the Premier league. He might consider moving to a physically less demanding league which might suit him better. Can't see him getting his mojo back for us.

Anderson is another who will be on his way out of England I suspect.

Dury is still out on Yarmo who might yet stay, but apart from being slow and not willing to track back he is also injury prone.

goose 11:46 Thu Jul 2
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - Official Match Thread
couple of bits on the offside.

his head was offside, but could he actually play the ball with his head while laying on the floor? if not then it should be his foot surely?
second he isnt in the keepers line of sight and doesnt touch the ball.

funny that they looked at that for almost 4mins, and yet the chelsea pen,antonio being brought down by Kepa and free-kick (players not 1m from our wall) barely got looked at.

twoleftfeet 11:45 Thu Jul 2
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - Official Match Thread
It is quite funny thinking back to when Ogbonna use to get some real pelters on here but now he is our talisman and probably the first name on the team sheet.

JayeMPee 11:44 Thu Jul 2
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - Official Match Thread
Great team performance, much effort and hopefully we will now build on this and pull clear of the bottom pack.

VAR crap, sure its only there for the benefit of the top lot. Perhaps John moss had something to do with it, don't think he likes us. Any decision which takes over three and a half minutes should surely favour the attacking side.

Also where did the 4 minutes added time come from, and even that became nearer to 5 minutes? Great turnaround and some credit must be given to Moyes.

dealcanvey 11:40 Thu Jul 2
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - Official Match Thread
Hard to believe 2/3 years ago Liverpool were sniffing around Lanzini and we were worried about him going for 50 mill plus.

Shame but I dont see him ever getting back to his best. Pretty sure we will be listening to offers in the summer.

Westside 11:39 Thu Jul 2
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - Official Match Thread
‘not clear and obvious to overturn’

That doesn't apply to offside with VAR. A player is deemed to be onside or not.

Clear and obvious only applies to subjective decisions. Offside is a matter of fact (even if marginal), not subjective.

Offside should be like umpire's call in cricket for lbw

blueeyed.handsomeman 11:33 Thu Jul 2
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - Official Match Thread
it was certainly very pleasing to see Alfie LEWIS in the matchday squad

Percy Dalton 11:31 Thu Jul 2
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - Official Match Thread
Must be me then as I thought Lanzini was shit he ran around a bit but from what I saw didn't do anything constructive.
Ogbonna made all the difference at the back thought he was immense.
Let's see if Moyes has the balls to keep Noble out.
I won't hold my breath

Lee Trundle 11:31 Thu Jul 2
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - Official Match Thread
Yarmalenko is a funny old player.

I was happy when we signed him, but he's never really hit the heights I'd hoped for him, and I thought he's always looked off the pace, which is bad for a winger. However, he seems to always pop up with an assist or goal.

His wages are too much to be a squad/bit player for us, though.

Mr Kenzo 11:27 Thu Jul 2
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - Official Match Thread
Just wished our fans could have been there to ram it down that cunts throat last night

wd40 11:15 Thu Jul 2
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - Official Match Thread
Frank in his interview looked so upset angry and disappointed.

simon.s 11:07 Thu Jul 2
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - Official Match Thread
Pleased for Yarmalenko, looked like it meant a lot to him. I was thinking he’d be out the door at the end of the season, but hopefully he still has a role to play.

Rossal 11:05 Thu Jul 2
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - Official Match Thread
No Anderson and no Noble......both can be bit part rest of season

Yarmo and Wilshere to be called off the bench over those 2

zico 11:03 Thu Jul 2
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - Official Match Thread
The main thing was the heart they showed last night which has been missing in the main. Gutting VAR decision and yet they battled on. Thought Lanzini did ok actually and chased down well. Fornals was fairly anonymous. Rice and Soucek decent, Antonio immense, but for me we look better defensively when Ogbonna plays and he seems to bring the best out of Diop.

simon.s 11:03 Thu Jul 2
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - Official Match Thread
Yes, the dirty cunt.

A gutsy performance, something that’s been missing for a while, against a very good team. Anderson take note.

Kaiser Zoso 10:54 Thu Jul 2
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - Official Match Thread
How did that cunt get away with raking his studs down the back of Bowen's calf and ankle?

Rossal 10:51 Thu Jul 2
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Chelsea - Official Match Thread
Think Chelsea were just shocking at defending set pieces last night rather than Soucek being a beast. Azpileicueta was marking him ffs......silly stuff. The keeper looked nervous too.

Thought Soucek grew into the game after his goal (or goals). First half hour he looked abit ropey, not great on the ball.

He easily keeps Noble out the team, but someone should of been keeping Noble out the team for last 2 years

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